Smart Therapy Counseling, Chiropractic and Massage Therapy 9708 N Nevada St, #205, Spokane, WA 99218

6 Week Whole Body Reset

Who should take this class?

Anyone who:

     Wants to reset their metabolism,
     Struggles with losing weight,
     Has hormone imbalances,
     Struggles with food addiction and cravings,

     Suffers from autoimmune issues,
     Has frequent diarrhea or constipation,
     Suffers from migraines, achy joints, fatigue or brain fog

Feeling overweight and sluggish after the over-indulgence of the holidays? Have you struggled with losing weight for a while? Do you get hormonal breakouts, bad premenstrual symptoms or other signs of hormone imbalance? Do you have frequent diarrhea, constipation, bloating or other gut issues? Do you have regular migraines, achy joints, fatigue or brain fog? This class is for you!

We will spend 6 weeks eliminating specific trigger foods, while also increasing healthy, clean foods and healthy habits. The class will meet on a weekly basis to educate, provide guidance and instruction for the coming week, and provide support and answer any questions you may have. And the best part? Meal plans are provided! You need to purchase and prepare the food, but a menu and recipes will be provided for you with alternative options in case there's something you don't like or can't eat. One of the hardest parts of my day is deciding what to make for dinner... now you don't have to! And the recipes are yours to keep!


When is it?

Starting January 20th, this class will meet weekly on Thursdays at 6:30 pm for 6 weeks. Each week will focus on eliminating problem foods and increasing healthy habits. Weekly classes will be 1 hour long. They will start with an educational presentation and directions for what the coming week entails.


Where does the class meet?

Class will be held online through Google Meet so access to a computer and reliable internet connection is required.


How much does it cost?

In addition to the $250 enrollment fee, you will be expected to purchase all food required for the Reset. Menus and recipes will be provided as part of the enrollment fee. Required food purchases will include lots of fresh, organic produce and some organic, grass-fed meats. Two bottles of Phytovitamins whole food Calcium & Magnesium are included in the enrollment fee ($60 value).


This class will ask you to cut out certain foods and greatly increase your consumption of fresh vegetables. If you are unable or unwilling to do so, this class is not for you. We understand that lifestyle changes can be very hard. This class will provide the education, structure and support to be successful in your pursuit of a healthier you.